Hexadecimal conversion

Convert between different bases (decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal, 64...)

About the carry system

Carry system, also known as base system, is a way of notation, also known as positional notation, digital positioning method [1], positioning notation [2], carry notation method, place value notation Place-value notation, positional numeral system; using this "notation", a limited number of "numeric symbols" can be used to represent all values.

Decimal is the most common bitwise system for arithmetic operations in the world. It is the product of 2 and 5 and is used in most mechanical counters. Its tens digits are "0-9".

Almost all electronic computers use binary systems internally, with "0" and "1" representing "off" and "on" respectively. Used in most electronic counters.

Hexadecimal is often used in the computer field, with powers 2 to 4. The sixteen digits are "0-9", followed by "A-F".