
Manage ARP packet filtering rule table

Supplementary instructions

arptables command is used to set, maintain and check the arp packet filtering rule table in the Linux kernel.




-A: Append rules to the rule chain;
-D: Delete the rule from the specified chain;
-l: Insert a new rule into the rule chain;
-R: Replace the specified rule;
-P: Set the default policy of the rule chain;
-F: Refresh the specified rule chain, delete all rule chains in it, but do not change the default policy of the rule chain;
-Z: Clear the rule chain counter to zero;
-L: Display the rule list in the rule chain;
-X: Delete the specified empty user-defined rule chain;
-h: Display command help information;
-j: Specify the target when adding that satisfies the rules;
-s: Specify the source IP address to match the ARP packet;
-d: Specify the destination IP address to match the ARP packet.