
Display a list of all files currently open on the Linux system lsof -p pid

Supplementary instructions

lsof command is used to view the files opened by your process, the process that opened the file, and the ports (TCP, UDP) opened by the process. Retrieve/recover deleted files. It is a very convenient system monitoring tool. Because the lsof command needs to access core memory and various files, it needs to be executed by the root user.

In the Linux environment, everything exists in the form of files. Through files, you can access not only regular data, but also network connections and hardware. Therefore, such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) sockets, the system allocates a file descriptor to the application in the background. Regardless of the nature of the file, the file descriptor is the application Provides a common interface for interaction with the underlying operating system. Because the descriptor list of files opened by an application provides a lot of information about the application itself, being able to view this list through the lsof tool can be helpful for system monitoring and troubleshooting.


lsof (options)


-a: List the processes that open files;
-c<process name>: List files opened by the specified process;
-g: List GID number process details;
-d<file number>: List the processes occupying the file number;
+d<directory>: List the files opened in the directory;
+D<directory>: Recursively list open files in the directory;
-n<directory>: List files using NFS;
-i<condition>: List processes that meet the conditions (protocol, :port, @ip)
-p<process number>: List the files opened by the specified process number;
-u: List UID number process details;
-h: Display help information;
-v: display version information


init 1 root cwd DIR 8,2 4096 2 /
init 1 root rtd DIR 8,2 4096 2 /
init 1 root txt REG 8,2 43496 6121706 /sbin/init
init 1 root mem REG 8,2 143600 7823908 /lib64/
init 1 root mem REG 8,2 1722304 7823915 /lib64/
init 1 root mem REG 8,2 23360 7823919 /lib64/
init 1 root mem REG 8,2 95464 7824116 /lib64/
init 1 root mem REG 8,2 247496 7823947 /lib64/
init 1 root 10u FIFO 0,17 1233 /dev/initctl
migration 2 root cwd DIR 8,2 4096 2 /
migration 2 root rtd DIR 8,2 4096 2 /
migration 2 root txt unknown /proc/2/exe
ksoftirqd 3 root cwd DIR 8,2 4096 2/
ksoftirqd 3 root rtd DIR 8,2 4096 2 /
ksoftirqd 3 root txt unknown /proc/3/exe
migration 4 root cwd DIR 8,2 4096 2 /
migration 4 root rtd DIR 8,2 4096 2 /
migration 4 root txt unknown /proc/4/exe
ksoftirqd 5 root cwd DIR 8,2 4096 2/
ksoftirqd 5 root rtd DIR 8,2 4096 2/
ksoftirqd 5 root txt unknown /proc/5/exe
events/0 6 root cwd DIR 8,2 4096 2 /
events/0 6 root rtd DIR 8,2 4096 2 /
events/0 6 root txt unknown /proc/6/exe
events/1 7 root cwd DIR 8,2 4096 2 /

The meaning of each column of information output by lsof is as follows:

COMMANDThe name of the process
PIDprocess identifier
PPIDParent process identifier (requires specifying the -R parameter)
USERprocess owner
PGIDGroup to which the process belongs
FDFile descriptor by which the application identifies the file

File descriptor list:

cwdrepresents the current working directory, that is: the current working directory of the application. This is the directory where the application is started, unless it itself changes this directory.
txtThis type of file is program code, such as the application binary itself or a shared library, such as the /sbin/init program shown in the list above
lnnlibrary reference (AIX);
erFD message error (see name column)
jldjail directory (FreeBSD);
ltxShared library text (code and data)
mxxHexadecimal memory mapping type number xx
m86DOS merge map file
memmemory mapped file
mmapMemory mapped device
pdparent directory
rtdroot directory
trKernel trace file (OpenBSD)
v86VP/ix mapping file
0represents standard output
1stands for standard input
2stands for standard error

Generally, the standard output, standard error, and standard input are followed by the file status mode:

uindicates that the file is open and in read/write mode
rindicates that the file is opened in read-only mode
windicates that the file is open for writing
spaceindicates that the status mode of the file is unknown and is not locked
-indicates that the status mode of the file is unknown and is locked

At the same time, after the file status mode, there are also related locks:

Nfor Solaris NFS lock of unknown type
rRead locking for partial files
Rread-lock the entire file
wWrite lock on part of the file (partial write lock on the file)
WWrite lock on the entire file (Write lock on the entire file)
ufor read-write locks of any length
Ufor locks of unknown type
xSCO OpenServer Xenix lock for file part
XSCO OpenServer Xenix lock for entire file
spaceif no lock

file type

DIRrepresents directory
CHRrepresents character type
BLKblock device type
UNIXUNIX domain socket
FIFOFirst-in-first-out (FIFO) queue
IPv4Internet Protocol (IP) sockets
DEVICESpecify the name of the disk
SIZEThe size of the file
NODEIndex node (identification of the file on disk)
NAMEThe exact name of the open file
REGregular file

List files opened by a specified process ID:

lsof -p $pid

Get the process ID corresponding to the port=>pid

lsof -i:9981 -P -t -sTCP:LISTEN

List processes that have open files:

lsof $filename

View port occupancy

lsof -i:$port

View all open files:


View files opened by the specified process:

lsof -p <PID>

View files opened by a specified user:

lsof -u <username>

View processes related to the specified file name:

lsof <filename>

View network connection related processes:

lsof -i

View processes related to the specified port:

lsof -i :<port>

View the processes using a directory:

lsof +D /path/to/directory

View files that were deleted but still open by a process:

lsof -u +L1

View open files on a file system:

lsof /mountpoint

Display results in list form:

lsof -F

The hostname is not included in the displayed results:

lsof -n

The process path is not included in the displayed results:

lsof -b

Show results in reverse order:

lsof -r

Loop through results at specific intervals:

lsof -r <interval>

Display results in continuous mode:

lsof -t <interval>