

Simple calculator that performs arithmetic expressions.


let arg [arg ...]

The main purpose

  • Execute one or more arithmetic expressions.


arg: arithmetic expression

return value

Returns 1 when the last expression executed by let evaluates to 0, otherwise returns 0. When the divisor of the expression executed by let is 0, 1 is returned and an error is reported.

Operator precedence decreasing table

Operator Description
id++, id-- increment after variable, decrement after variable
++id, --id Variable pre-increment, variable pre-decrement
-, + positive sign, negative sign
!, ~ Logical No, bitwise negation
** Power operation
*, /, % ````Multiplication, division, remainder```
+, - Addition, subtraction
<<, >> Bitwise shift left or right
<=, >=, <, > Compare
==, != equal to, not equal to
& Bitwise AND
^ Bitwise XOR
| Bitwise OR
&& Logical AND
|| Logical OR
expr ? expr : expr Conditional operator (ternary operator)
=, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=,
<<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=


# Try executing arithmetic expressions directly in the terminal (like in python's IDLE).
bash: 3+4: command not found...
# Another way.
bash: 3: command not found...
# It seems not possible.
# let command assignment.
let a=3**4
echo ${a}
# Display 81.
# ((...)) is equivalent to the let command.
# let is often used for variable assignment, while the external command expr can directly return the value of an expression.
let 3+4
#7 is not displayed.
# After execution, 7 is displayed, pay attention to the spaces.
expr 3 + 4
# Conditional expression.
if ((8>4)); then
   echo '8 is greater than 4.'
   echo 'error'
# Pay attention to the spaces.
if [[ 12 -le 10 ]]; then
   echo 'error'
   echo '12 is greater than 10.'
# You can perform arithmetic operations by setting integer attributes through the declare command.
# The local command is similar to this.

# If the integer attribute is not specified, the output is the string 'a+b'.
declare a=3 b=4 c
echo ${c}
# However, you can assign values in the following ways.
echo ${c}
# show 7

# You can add it directly after setting the integer attribute.
declare -i a=3 b=4 c
echo ${c}
# Same as above.
declare -i a
echo ${a}
# Display 6.


  1. This command is a built-in bash command. For related help information, please see the help command.

  2. In addition to let, the commands to perform arithmetic calculations also include external commands expr, bc, etc.