
Software package management tools in Debian Linux system

Supplementary instructions

aptitude command Like the apt-get command, it is an extremely powerful package management tool in Debian Linux and its derivative systems. Unlike apt-get, aptitude is better at handling dependency issues. For example, when aptitude deletes a package, it will also delete the packages it depends on. In this way, useless packages will not remain in the system, and the entire system will be cleaner. It manages software packages through text operation menus and commands.




-h: Display help information;
-d: Only download the software package and do not perform installation operations;
-P: Confirmation is required for each operation;
-y: Answer "yes" to all questions;
-v: Display additional information;
-u: Download a new package list on startup.


Operation command: Operation command for user management software package.


The following are some commonly used aptitude commands that I have summarized for reference only:

aptitude update # Update the available package list
aptitude upgrade # Upgrade available packages
aptitude dist-upgrade # Upgrade the system to a new release
aptitude install pkgname # Installation package
aptitude remove pkgname # Delete package
aptitude purge pkgname # Delete the package and its configuration file
aptitude search string # Search package
aptitude show pkgname # Display package details
aptitude clean # Delete downloaded package files
aptitude autoclean # Only delete expired package files

Of course, you can also use aptitude in text interface mode.