
Multi-threaded download tool

Supplementary instructions

axel is a good HTTP/ftp high-speed download tool under Linux. It supports multi-threaded downloading, breakpoint resumption, and can download the same file from multiple addresses or multiple connections from one address. Suitable for multi-threaded downloading to improve download speed when the network speed is not strong. For example, when downloading the lnmp one-click installation package on a domestic VPS or server, Axel is faster than wget.


Install Axel on CentOS:

Currently, there is no Axel on the yum source. We can go to to download the rpm package and install it.

Execute the following command on 32-bit CentOS:

wget -c
rpm -ivh axel-2.4-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm

Execute the following command on 64-bit CentOS:

wget -c
rpm -ivh axel-2.4-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm

Install Axel on Debian/Ubuntu:

apt-get install axel


axel [options] url1 [url2] [url...]


--max-speed=x, -s x # Maximum speed x
--num-connections=x, -n x # Number of connections x
--output=f, -o f # Download as local file f
--search[=x] , -S [x] # Search for images
--header=x, -H x #Add header file string x (specify HTTP header)
--user-agent=x , -U x # Set user agent (specify HTTP user agent)
--no-proxy, -N # Do not use proxy server
--quiet, -q # Silent mode
--verbose, -v # More status information
--alternate, -a #Alternate progress indicator
--help,-h # help
--version,-V # Version information


For example, download the lnmp installation package and specify 10 threads, and save it to /tmp/:

axel -n 10 -o /tmp/

If the download is interrupted during the download process, you can execute the download command again to resume the last download progress.