
Show details for a given module

Supplementary instructions

bmodinfo command is used to display detailed information for a given module.




-a: Display module author;
-d: Display module description information;
-l: Display module license information;
-p: Display module parameter information;
-n: Display the text information corresponding to the module;
-0: Use ASCII code 0 characters to separate field values without using new lines.


Module name: The name of the module for which detailed information is to be displayed.


Display sg module information:

[root@localhost ~]# modinfo sg
filename: /lib/modules/2.6.9-42.ELsmp/kernel/drivers/scsi/sg.ko
author: Douglas Gilbert
description: SCSI generic (sg) driver
license: GPL
version: 3.5.31 B0B0CB1BB59F0669A1F0D6B
parm: def_reserved_size:size of buffer reserved for each fd
parm: allow_dio:allow direct I/O (default: 0 (disallow))
alias: char-major-21-*
vermagic: 2.6.9-42.ELsmp SMP 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-3.4
depends: scsi_mod