
Used to connect to another system host

Supplementary instructions

cu command is used to connect to another system host. The cu (call up) command can connect to another host and work with an interface similar to a dial-up terminal, and can also perform simple file transfer operations.


cu [dehnotv][-a<communication port>][-c<phone number>][-E<escape character>][-I<setting file>][-l<peripheral device code>]
[-s<connection speed>][-x<troubleshooting mode>][-z<system host>][--help][-nostop][--parity=none][<system host>/<phone Number>]


-a <communication port> or -p <communication port> or --port <communication port> Use the specified communication port to connect.
-c<phone number> or --phone<phone number> Dial the phone number.
-d Enter debugging mode.
-e or --parity=even Use double parity checking.
-E<escape character> or --escape<escape character> sets the escape character.
-h or --halfduple Use half-duplex mode.
-I<configuration file> or --config<configuration file> specifies the configuration file to use.
-l<Peripheral device code> or --line <Peripheral device code> specifies a peripheral device as the connected device.
-n or --prompt Wait for the user to enter a phone number when dialing.
-o or --parity=odd Use single parity checking.
-s<connection speed> or --speed <connection speed> or --baud <connection speed> or -<connection speed> Set the connection speed, and the unit is calculated in baud rate.
-t or --maper replace CR characters with LF+CR characters.
-v or --version displays version information.
-x<debug mode> or --debug<debug mode> Use debug mode.
-z<system host> or --system<system host> connect to the system host.
--help online help.
--nostop turns off Xon/Xoff software flow control.
--parity=none Do not use parity checking.


Connect to remote host

cu -c 0102377765
cu -s 38400 9=12015551234