
Run DHCP server


dhcpd [options] [network interface]


-p <port> specifies the port that dhcpd listens on
-f runs dhcpd as a foreground process
-d enables debug mode
-q Do not display copyright information on startup
-t simply tests that the syntax of the configuration file is correct, but does not attempt to perform any network operations
-T can be used to test the lease database file
-4 Run DHCP server
-6 Run DHCPv6 server
-s <server> specifies the server to send replies to
-cf <configuration file> specifies the configuration file
-lf <lease file> specifies the lease file
-pf <PID file> Specify PID file
-tf <trace output file> specifies a file to record the entire startup status of the DHCP server


Troubleshoot the DHCP server.

[root@localhost ~]# dhcpd
InternetSystems Consortium DHCP Server 4.1.1-P1
Copyright2004-2010 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
Not searchingLDAP since ldap-server, ldap-port and ldap-base-dn were not specified in theconfig file
Wrote 0deleted host decls to leases file.
Wrote 0 newdynamic host decls to leases file.
Wrote 1leases to leases file.
Listening onLPF/eth0/00:0c:29:fc:2f:e5/
Sendingon LPF/eth0/00:0c:29:fc:2f:e5/
Sendingon Socket/fallback/fallback-net
[root@rhel~]# There's already a DHCP server running.
This version of ISC DHCP is based on the release available
onftp.isc.org. Features have been added and other changes
have been made to the base software release in order to make
it works better with this distribution.