
Reconfigure an already installed software package in Debian Linux

Supplementary instructions

dpkg-reconfigure command is used to reconfigure installed software packages in Debian Linux. You can pass one or more installed software packages to this command, and it will ask about the configuration issues after the initial installation of the software.

When users need to configure the software package again, they can use the dpkg-reconfigure command to configure the specified software package.




-a: Reconfigure all software packages;
-u or --unseen-only: only show unasked questions;
--default-priority: Use the default priority instead of "low" level;
--force: Force the operation, please use this option with caution;
--no-reload: Do not reload the template easily (please consider carefully when using it);
-f or --frontend: Specify debconf front-end interface;
-p or --priority: Specify the highest priority of the questions to be displayed;
--terse: Enable brief mode.


Package name: The installed package that needs to be reconfigured.


For configuring language:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales