
After reading the file, optimize the processing and output

Supplementary instructions

fmt command reads the contents of the file, performs simple optimization on the file format according to the option settings, and sends the results to the standard output device.




-c or --crown-margin: Indent the first two columns of each paragraph;
-p<column starting string> or -prefix=<column starting string>: only merge columns containing the specified string, usually used in annotations of programming languages;
-s or --split-only: Only split columns whose word count exceeds the number of characters per column, but do not merge columns whose word count is less than the number of characters per column;
-t or --tagged-paragraph: The first two columns of each column are indented, but the indentation formats of columns 1 and 2 are different;
-u or --uniform-spacing: Each column of characters is separated by a space character, and each sentence is separated by two space characters;
-w<Number of characters per column> or --width=<Number of characters per column> or -<Number of characters per column>: Set the maximum number of characters per column.


Specifies the files whose formats are to be optimized.