
Convert file encoding

Supplementary instructions

iconv command is used to convert the encoding of files. For example, it can convert UTF8 encoding to GB18030 encoding, and vice versa. A similar tool native2ascii is also provided in the JDK. The iconv development library under Linux includes iconv_open, iconv_close, iconv and other C functions, which can be used to easily convert character encodings in C/C++ programs. This is very useful in programs that capture web pages, and the iconv command is useful in debugging this Useful for class programs.


iconv -f encoding [-t encoding] [inputfile]...


-f encoding: Convert characters from encoding encoding.
-t encoding: Convert characters to encoding.
-l: List the known set of encoded characters
-o file: Specify the output file
-c: Ignore illegal characters in the output
-s: Suppress warning messages, but not error messages
--verbose: display progress information
The legal characters that can be specified by -f and -t are listed in the command with the -l option.


List currently supported character encodings:

iconv -l

Transcode the file file1 and output the converted file to fil2:

iconv file1 -f EUC-JP-MS -t UTF-8 -o file2

Here, without -o, the output will be sent to standard output.