
Help command in info format under Linux

Supplementary instructions

info command is the help command in info format under Linux.

In terms of content, the info page is better written, easier to understand, and more user-friendly than the man page, but the man page is indeed much easier to use. A man page is only one page, while info pages almost always organize their content into sections (called nodes), each of which may also contain subsections (called subnodes). The trick to understanding this command is to learn not only how to navigate within individual Info pages, but also how to switch between nodes and subnodes. It may be difficult to move between the nodes on the info page and find what you want at first. It is really ironic: I originally thought that for novices, something would be better than the man command, but in fact, learning and using it It's more difficult to get up.




-d: Add a directory containing help documents in info format;
-f: Specifies the help document in info format to be read;
-n: Specifies the node of the info help file to be accessed first;
-o: Output the contents of the selected node to the specified file.


Help topic: Specify the topic for which help is required, which can be instructions, functions, and configuration files.


Enter the name of the command after info to view the info help document for the command:

info info

Let’s introduce some of its commonly used shortcut keys.

  **? Key:** It will display the commonly used shortcut keys for info.
  **N key:** Display the document content of the next node (relative to this node).
  **P key:** Display the document content of the previous node (relative to this node).
  **U key:** Enter the topic where the current command is located.
  **M key:** Press the M key and enter the name of the command to view the help document for the command.
  **G key:** Press the G key and then enter the topic name to enter the topic.
  **L key:** Return to the previous page visited.
  **SPACE key:** Scroll forward one page.
  **BACKUP or DEL key:** Scroll back one page.
  **Q:** Exit info.


  **? ** Show help window

In the help window:
  **Ctrl-x 0** Close the help window
  **Ctrl-x Ctrl-c** Close the entire Info

  **q** Exit info
  **n** Open the next Node associated with this Node
  **p** Open the previous Node associated with this Node
  **u** Open the previous Node associated with this Node
  **l** Return to the last visited Node
  **m or g** Select a menu item (the name of the Node)
        Enter the name of the specified menu and press Enter to open the Node associated with the specified menu item.
  **Spacebar** Next page (PageDown can also be used, the next page starts from the last two lines of the current page)
        Next Node (if the current page is at the end of the Node document)
  **Del key** Previous page (PageUp can also be used, the previous page starts from the first two lines of the current page)
        Previous Node (if the beginning of the Node document of the current page)

  **b or t or Home** The beginning of the document (b means beginning)
  **e or End** The end of the document (b means ending)
  **Ctrl-l** Refresh the current page, if there is a problem with the display of the current document
  **Ctrl-g** Cancel the command you typed