
Monitor network card traffic in real time

Supplementary instructions

iptraf command can monitor network card traffic in real time and can generate information such as network protocol packet information, Ethernet information, network node status, and IP checksum errors.




-i network interface: Immediately enable IP traffic monitoring on the specified network interface;
-g: Immediately start generating summary status information of the network interface;
-d network interface: Immediately start monitoring detailed network traffic information on the specified network interface;
-s network interface: Immediately start monitoring TCP and UDP network traffic information on the specified network interface;
-z network interface: Display packet counts on the specified network interface;
-l network interface: Immediately start monitoring LAN workstation information on the specified network interface;
-t time: Specify the time monitored by the iptraf command;
-B; redirect the annotation output to "/dev/null", close the annotation input, and run the program as a background process;
-f: Clear all counters;
-h: Display help information.