
View the second extended file system attribute of a file

Supplementary instructions

lsattr command is used to view the second extended file system attributes of a file.




-E: The current value of the device attribute can be displayed, but this current value is obtained from the user device database, not directly from the device.
-D: Displays the name of the attribute, the attribute's default value, a description and a flag indicating whether the user can modify the attribute value.
-R: recursive operation mode;
-V: Display the version information of the command;
-a: List all files in the directory, including hidden files.

Several options commonly used by lsattr -D, -E, and -R cannot be used together. They are mutually exclusive. Commonly used options are -l and -H. When using lsattr, you must specify the specific device. Name, use the -l option to indicate the logical name of the device to be displayed, otherwise use the -c, -s, -t and other options to uniquely identify an existing device.


File: Specifies the file name that displays the file system attributes.


lsattr -E -l rmt0 -H
lsattr -EO -l rmt0