
Show logical volume properties

Supplementary instructions

lvdisplay command is used to display attributes such as LVM logical volume space size, read and write status, and snapshot information. If the "logical volume" parameter is omitted, the lvdisplay command displays all logical volume attributes. Otherwise, only the specified logical volume properties are displayed.




Logical volume: Specify the device file corresponding to the logical volume whose properties you want to display.


Use the lvdisplay command to display the attributes of the specified logical volume. Enter the following command at the command line:

[root@localhost ~]# lvdisplay /dev/vg1000/lvol0 #Display logical volume attributes

The output information is as follows:

   --- Logical volume ---
   LV Name /dev/vg1000/lvol0
...Omit part of the output content...
   Block device 253:0