
Text-only web browser

Supplementary instructions

lynx command is a text-only web browser that does not support multimedia information such as graphics, audio and video.




-case: When searching for strings, be case-sensitive;
-ftp: turn off the ftp function;
-nobrowse: Turn off the directory browsing function;
-noclor: turn off color display mode;
-reload: Update the cache of the proxy server, only valid for the home page;
--color: If the system supports color mode, activate color mode;
--help: Display help information for the command;
--versiom: Display the version information of the instruction.


URL: Specify the URL address of the website to be accessed.

Internal commands


Down arrow key: Next link on the page (highlighted).
Up arrow key: Previous link on the page (highlighted).
Enter and right arrow keys: jump to the address pointed to by the link.
Left arrow key: Return to the previous page.

scroll command

+, Page-Down, Space, Ctrl+f: Page down.
-, Page-Up, b, Ctrl+b: Page up.
Ctrl+a: Move to the front of the current page.
Ctrl+e: Move to the end of the current page.
Ctrl+n: Scroll down two lines.
Ctrl+p: Go back two lines.
): Turn down half a page.
(: Turn back half a page.
#: Return to the Toolbar or Banner of the current page.

File operation commands

c: Create a new file.
d: Download the selected file.
E: Edit the selected file.
f: Displays an options menu for the current file.
m: Modify the name or location of the selected file.
r: Delete the selected file.
t: Tag highlighted file.
u: Upload a file to the current directory.

Other commands

?, h: help.
a: Add the current link to a bookmark file.
c: Send comments or suggestions to the owner of the page.
d: Download the current link.
e: Edit the current file.
g: Jump to a user-specified URL or file.
G: Edit the URL of the current page and jump to this URL.
i: Display document index.
j: Execute a predefined "short" command.
k: Display the keyboard command list.
l: List the addresses of all links on the current page.
m: Return to the homepage.
o: Set options.
p: Output the current page to a file, e-mail, printer or other place.
q: Exit.
/: Search for a string in the current page.
s: Search the input string externally.
n: Search for the next one.
v: View a bookmark file.
V: Jump to the visited address.
x: Do not use caching.
z: Stop the current transmission.
[backspace]: Jump to the history page (same as V command).
=: Display the information of the current page.
: View the source code of the current page.
!: Return to the shell prompt.
_: Clear all authorization information of the current task.
*: Switch for graphic link mode.
@: Switch for 8-bit transmission mode or CJK mode.
[:pseudo_inlines mode toggle switch.
]: Send a "head" request for the current page or current link.
Ctrl+r: Reload the current page and refresh the screen.
Ctrl+w: Refresh the screen.
Ctrl+u: Delete the entered line.
Ctrl+g: Cancel input or transmission.
Ctrl+t: Switch for tracking mode.
;: View Lynx’s tracking record of the current task.
Ctrl+k: Call the Cookie Jar page.
Numeric keys: Go to the next nth link.