
Create "etc2/etc3" file system on disk partition

Supplementary instructions

mke2fs command is used to create the "etc2/etc3" file system on the disk partition.




-b<block size>: Specify the block size in bytes;
-c; Check for damaged blocks;
-f<discontinuous section size>: specifies the size of the discontinuous section, in bytes;
-F: Force mke2fs to be executed regardless of the specified device;
-i<byte>: Specify the ratio of "bytes/inode";
-N<number of inodes>: Specify the number of inodes to be created;
-l<file>: Read information about damaged blocks in the file from the specified file;
-L<label>: Set the label name of the file system;
-m<percentage value>: specifies the proportion of blocks reserved for administrators, the default is 5%;
-M: Record the last mounted directory;
-q: Do not display any information during execution;
-r: Specify the ext2 file system version to be created;
-R=<Number of blocks>: Set disk array parameters;
-S: Only write superblock and group descriptors without changing inode able inode bitmap and block bitmap;
-v: Display detailed information during execution;
-V: Display version information.



Create the specified ext2 file system.

mke2fs -q /dev/hda1