
Display file contents, one screen at a time

Supplementary instructions

more command is a text filter based on vi editor. It displays the contents of text files on a page-by-page basis in full screen mode and supports keyword positioning operations in vi. There are several shortcut keys built into the more list, the commonly used ones are H (get help information), Enter (scroll down one line), Space (scroll down one screen), Q (exit command).

This command displays one screen of text at a time, stops when the screen is full, and a prompt message appears at the bottom of the screen, giving the percentage of the file that has been displayed so far: --More--(XX%) You can use the following different methods Answer the prompt:




-<Number>: Specify the number of lines displayed on each screen;
-d: Display "[press space to continue,'q' to quit.]" and "[Press 'h' for instructions]";
-c: No scrolling operation is performed. Refresh this screen every time;
-s: compress multiple blank lines into one line for display;
-u: disable underscores;
+<Number>: Display starts from the line with the specified number.


File: Specify the file to display content in pages.


Display the contents of the file file, but clear the screen before displaying it, and display the completion percentage at the bottom of the screen.

more -dc file

Display the contents of the file file every 10 lines, and clear the screen before displaying.

more -c -10 file