
Show commands supported by mtools

Supplementary instructions

mtools command Displays the commands supported by mtools. mtools is a tool program for the MS-DOS file system and can simulate many MS-DOS commands. These instructions are all symbolic links of mtools, so they will have some common features.




-a: Automatically change the long file name of the target file when the long file name is repeated;
-A: Automatically change the short file name of the target file when the short file name is repeated but the long file name is different;
-o: When long file names are repeated, the target file overwrites the existing file;
-O: When the short file name is repeated but the long file name is different, the target file will overwrite the existing file;
-r: When the long file name is repeated, the user is required to change the long file name of the target file;
-R: When the short file names are repeated but the long file names are different, the user is required to change the short file name of the target file;
-s: When the long file name is repeated, the target file will not be processed;
-S: When the short file name is repeated but the long file name is different, the target file will not be processed;
-v: Display detailed instructions during execution;
-V: Display version information.


Use the mtools command to display all the instructions it supports. Enter the following command:

[root@localhost ~]# mtools #Display all supported command names
Supported commands:
mattrib, mbadblocks, mcat, mcd, mclasserase, mcopy, mdel, mdeltree
mdir, mdoctorfat, mdu, mformat, minfo, mlabel, mmd, mmount
mpartition, mrd, mread, mmove, mren, mshowfat, mtoolstest, mtype
mwrite, mzip

As shown above, all the commands displayed are supported by the mtools tool.