
MySQL server management client

Supplementary instructions

mysqladmin command is a client tool for mysql server management tasks. It can check the configuration and current working status of the mytsql server, create and delete databases, create users and modify user passwords and other operations.




-h: MySQL server host name or ip address;
-u: Username to connect to the MySQL server;
-p: Password to connect to the MySQL server;
--help: Display help information.


Management commands: Management commands that need to be executed on the MySQL server.

mysqladmin supports the following commands:

create databasename: Create a new database;
drop databasename: delete a database and all its tables;
extended-status: gives an extended status message of the server;
flush-hosts: Clear all cached hosts;
flush-logs: Clear all logs;
flush-tables: Clear all tables;
flush-privileges: Load the authorization table again (same as reload);
kill id,id,...: kill mysql thread;
password new password: change the old password to the new password;
ping: Check if mysqld is alive;
processlist: displays the list of active threads in the service;
reload: reload the authorization table;
refresh: Clear all tables and close and open log files;
shutdown: shut down the server;
status: gives a brief status message of the server;
variables: print out available variables;
version: Get the server version information.