
Is an enhanced FTP tool

Supplementary instructions

ncftp command is an enhanced ftp tool, more powerful than the traditional FTP command. FTP allows users to download files stored on the server host and upload files to a remote host for placement. ncftp is the leader in text mode FTP programs. It has various features, including displaying transfer rate, download progress, automatic resume, bookmarking, and the ability to pass firewalls and proxy servers.




-u: Specify the user name used to log in to the FTP server;
-p: Specify the password used to log in to the FTP server;
-P: If the FTP server does not use port 21 of the default TCP protocol, use this option to specify the port number of the FTP server.
-m: Try to create a directory at the directory location before transferring (used when transferring directories)
-R: Pass subdirectories recursively


FTP server: Specify the IP address or host name of the remote FTP server.


tar zxvf ncftp-3.2.3-src.tar.gz
cd ncftp-3.2.3/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ncftp
make && make install


Upload all files and directories in the local /etc/ directory to the flv/games/ directory of the FTP server (if the flv/games/ directory does not exist, it will be automatically created).

/usr/local/ncftp/bin/ncftpput -u koumm -p koumm -P 21 -m -R flv/games/ /etc/*

Command description

The basic commands of ncftp are the same as ordinary ftp. You can enter help to get the command list. For all commands, detailed help can be obtained using the help format. The commands starting with l are commands to be executed locally, and the others are commands to operate the logged-in ftp service directory.

Added local file system operation commands: