
Used for batch processing to create multiple commands at once

Supplementary instructions

newusers command is used for batch processing to create multiple commands at one time.




User file: Specify a text file containing user information. The format of the file must be the same as /etc/passwd.


Use the newusers command to add users in batches:

The usage is very simple. newusers is directly followed by a file. The file format is the same as /etc/passwd.

Username 1:x:UID:GID:User description:User's home directory:SHELL used



It is worth mentioning that regarding the SHELL type, to view all SHELLs on the host, you can view it through chsh:

[root@localhost beinan]# chsh --list

Except for /sbin/nologin, other types of SHELL can log in to the system. Nologin is mostly a SHELL used by virtual users, which means that although he is a system user, he does not have the permission to log in to the system; if you want to add this If you are a user, set his SHELL to /sbin/nologin, such as the example above.

Regarding the user name, UID, GID and user's home directory, you can read the corresponding reference document.