
List the working status of NFS clients and servers

Supplementary instructions

nfsstat command is used to list the working status of NFS clients and servers.




-s: Only list NFS server-side status;
-c: Only list NFS client status;
-n: Only list NFS status, the status of nfs client and server is displayed by default;
-2: Only list the status of NFS version 2;
-3: Only list the status of NFS version 3;
-4: Only list the status of NFS version 4;
-m: Print the status of the nfs file system loaded;
-r: Print rpc status only.


To display information about the number of RPC and NFS calls sent and rejected by the client, enter:

nfsstat -c

To display and print information related to client NFS calls, enter the following command:

nfsstat -cn

To display and print client and server information related to RPC calls, enter the following command:

nfsstat -r

To display information about the number of RPC and NFS calls received and rejected by the server, enter the following command:

nfsstat –s