
Test network connectivity between hosts (ipv6)

Supplementary instructions

ping6 command ping6 is the ICMPv6 version of ping implementation. Correct use and access to IPv6 websites require you to configure the local environment in advance and select a website that supports v6 for access (ping). Executing the ping6 command will use the ICMPv6 transport (OSI) protocol to send a message requesting a response. If there is no problem with the network function of the remote host, it will respond to the message, thus knowing that the host is operating normally.


ping6 (options) (address) [network interface name]


-a [addrtype]: Generate ICMPv6 node information node address query;
-b [bufsiz]: Set the socket buffer size;
-c [count]: Stop after sending (and receiving) ECHO_RESPONSE packets;
-h [hoplimit]: Set IPv6 hop limit;
-I [interface]: Source packet with given interface address;
-i [wait]: Wait a few seconds between sending each packet, default is 1 second;
-p [policy]: policy specifies the IPsec policy to be used for probing;


Destination host: Specify the destination host for sending ICMPv6 messages.


$ ping6 -c4

PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 2409:xxxx:xxxx:85c0::2 --> 2409:8c70:3a00:42:3a::1
16 bytes from 2409:8c70:3a00:42:3a::1, icmp_seq=0 hlim=54 time=31.236 ms
16 bytes from 2409:8c70:3a00:42:3a::1, icmp_seq=1 hlim=54 time=29.382 ms
16 bytes from 2409:8c70:3a00:42:3a::1, icmp_seq=2 hlim=54 time=29.571 ms
16 bytes from 2409:8c70:3a00:42:3a::1, icmp_seq=3 hlim=54 time=28.973 ms

--- ping6 statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 28.973/29.791/31.236/0.862 ms

Possible reasons for server IPv6 Ping failure