
Show process information

Supplementary instructions

prtstat command prints statistical information of the specified process. This information comes from the /proc/PID/stat file.


prtstat [-r|--raw] pid
prtstat -V|--version


[root@localhost command]# ps -ef|grep nginx
root 4022 250867 0 16:39 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto nginx
root 224312 1 0 April 26 ? 00:00:00 nginx: master process /var/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx
nobody 224313 224312 0 April 26 ? 00:00:00 nginx: worker process
[root@localhost command]# prtstat -r 224312
          pid: 224312 comm: nginx
        state: S ppid: 1
         pgrp: 224312 session: 224312
       tty_nr: 0 tpgid: -1
        flags: 402040 minflt: 110
      cminflt: 0 majflt: 0
      cmajflt: 0 utime: 0
        stime: 0 cutime: 0
       cstime: 0 priority: 20
         nice: 0 num_threads: 1
  itrealvalue: 0 starttime: 6271470
        vsize: 56369152 rss: 413
       rsslim: 18446744073709551615 startcode: 4194304
      endcode: 5772276 startstack: 140722783765648
      kstkesp: 7FFC9389BFB8 kstkeip: 7F25CD42F6C6
        wchan: 18446744071885754297 nswap: 0
       cnswap: 18446744071885754297 exit_signal: 17
    processor: 2 rt_priority: 0
       policy: 0 delayaccr_blkio_ticks: 0
   guest_time: 0 cguest_time: 0
