
Display the properties of a physical volume

Supplementary instructions

pvdisplay command is used to display the properties of physical volumes. The physical volume information displayed by the pvdisplay command includes: physical volume name, volume group to which it belongs, physical volume size, PE size, total number of PEs, number of available PEs, number of allocated PEs, and UUID.




-s: output in short format;
-m: Display PE to LE mapping.


Physical volume: The device file name corresponding to the physical volume to be displayed.


Use the pvdisplay command to display basic information about the specified physical volume. Enter the following command at the command line:

[root@localhost ~]# pvdisplay /dev/sdb1 #Display basic information of the physical volume

The output information is as follows:

"/dev/sdb1" is a new physical volume of "101.94 MB"
--- NEW Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdb1
....Omit part of the output content...
PV UUID FOXiS2-Ghaj-Z0Mf-cdVZ-pfpk-dP9p-ifIZXN