
Modify the scheduling priority of a running process

Supplementary instructions

renice command can modify the scheduling priority of a running process. The default is to specify a program with a program ID to adjust its priority. You can also specify a program group or user name to adjust the priority level, and modify the priorities of all programs belonging to the program group or user. Only the system administrator can change the priority of other user programs, and only the system administrator can set negative levels.




-g: Specify the process group id;
-p <program identification code>: Change the priority level of the program. This parameter is the default value.
-u: Specify the user name to start the process.


Process number: Specify the process whose priority is to be modified.


Add 1 to the priority numbers of the trips with trip IDs 987 and 32 and the trip owners as daemon and root:

renice 1 987 -u daemon root -p 32

Note: Each trip has a unique id.