
Let users chat with other users

Supplementary instructions

talk command is the client tool of the talk server. The talk command allows users to chat with other users. The use of the talk command parameter program in Linux is very simple. As long as you know the address of the person you are talking to, you can invite the other person to talk.





For example, if the user jdx logged in on the host wants to chat with the user wangxz logged on the host, he can enter the following command:


The related program on the Internet (Talk Daemon) will send a message to invite wangxz to chat. At this time, the following message will appear on the screen of user wangxz, and the bell will ring:

Message from at 21:44…
talk: connection requested by
talk: respond with: talk

At this time, what user wangxz should do is to follow the above information prompt, that is, enter the talk command in Linux:


After that, the connection is established successfully and the two users can talk. At this time, the message [Connection established] will be displayed on the terminal screens of both parties and the bell will ring. At the same time, the screen is divided into upper and lower parts by a horizontal line in the talk command program in Linux. The upper part is used to display the user's own input. The lower part is used to display the content entered by the other party. Two users can type at the same time, and their input will appear immediately on both screens.

When the user is typing, they can press BACKSPACE to correct the previous character, CTRL+w to delete a complete word, or CTRL+U to delete an entire word. OK, in addition, the user can also refresh the screen by pressing CTRL+L. If you want to end the conversation, either party can press CTRL+C to terminate the connection, but it is best to say "goodbye" and wait for the other party to respond before ending the conversation. When the talk command program in Linux ends, a message will be displayed on the screen:

[Connection closing. Exiting]

Not every request to the other party to talk can be successful. Sometimes the other party is not logged in, and the talk command program in Linux will prompt:

[Your party is not logged on]

and exit; if the other party is logged in but does not respond for some reason (such as not using the machine), then the talk command program in Linux will send him an invitation message every 10 seconds and display it on his screen at the same time. :

[Ringing your party again]

If the user does not want to wait, he can press CTRL+C to terminate the talk command program in Linux. Sometimes the system may display the following message:

[Checking for invitation on caller’s machine]

This means that the talk command programs in Linux on both sides are incompatible. At this time, you can try the ntalk and ytalk commands. If not, you have to find the system administrator.

If the user does not want to be disturbed by invitations from the talk command in Linux when doing some urgent work (such as editing emails), he can use the command:

mesg n

to temporarily refuse to chat. At this time, if a user invites him to chat, he will only get the prompt message:

[Your party is refusing messages]

Be careful though, once the emergency work is done. It is best to turn on the message receiving switch immediately (use the command mesg y), otherwise you will lose many opportunities for information exchange.

The above is how to use the talk command parameters in Linux.