
UUCP file transfer service program

Supplementary instructions

uucico command Command UUCP file transfer service program. uucico is a file transfer tool used to process the files sent to the queue by uucp or uux. uucico has two working modes: active mode and affiliated mode. When in active mode, uucico will call the remote host; when in slave mode, uucico will accept calls from the remote host.


uucico [-cCDefqvwz][-i<type>][-I<file>][-p<port number>][-][-rl][-s<host>][-S<host>][ -u<user>][-x<type>][--help]


-c or --quiet When not performing any work, do not change the contents of the log file and update the current status.
-C or --ifwork When there is work to be performed, the host specified by the -s or -S parameter is called.
-D or --nodetach Do not take the controlling terminal offline.
-e or --loop Execute in slave mode, and a prompt screen asking to log in appears.
-f or --force When an execution error occurs, re-invoke the host without waiting for any time.
-i<type> or --stdin<type> Specifies the type of connection port when using the standard input device.
-I<file>--config<file> Specifies the configuration file to use.
-l or --prompt A prompt screen asking to log in appears.
-p<port number> or -port<port number> specifies the port number.
-q or --quiet Do not start the uuxqt service program.
-r0 or --slave Start in slave mode.
-s<host> or --system<host> calls the specified host.
-u<user> or --login<user> specifies the user account to log in and does not allow entering any login account.
-v or --version displays version information and ends the program.
-w or --wait In active mode, when the calling action is executed, a prompt screen requesting login will appear.
-x<type> or -X<type> or outgoing-debug<type> starts the specified debugging mode.
-z or --try-next When execution is unsuccessful, try the next option without ending the program.
--help Display help and end the program.


Start the uucico service using active mode. Enter the following command directly at the command prompt:


Tip: This command generally has no output.