
List fonts used by X Server

Supplementary instructions

xlsfonts command lists the fonts used by X Server. You can also use only qualified fonts listed in the template style.




-l: In addition to the font name, also list the attributes of the font;
-ll: The effect of this parameter is similar to specifying the "l" parameter, but displays more detailed information;
-lll: The effect of this parameter is similar to specifying the "ll" parameter, but displays more detailed information;
-m: When used with the parameter "-l", the upper and lower limits of the font size are also listed;
-n<Number of columns displayed>: Set the number of columns displayed in each column;
-o: List the font list in the form of OpenFont;
-u: Do not sort the font list according to its name;
-w <Number of characters per column>: Set the maximum number of characters per column.