
Can be used to decompress files

Supplementary instructions

zip command can be used to decompress files or package files. Zip is a widely used compression program. After the file is compressed by it, a compressed file with a ".zip" extension will be generated.


zip [-option] [-b path] [-t date] [-n suffix] [compressed file list] [-xi list]


-f: refresh: only changed files
-u: update: only changed or new files
-d: delete entries in zip file
-m: move to zip file (remove operating system files)
-r: Recurse into directories
-j: Junk (do not record) directory name
-0: only store
-l: Convert LF to CR LF (-ll CR LF to LF)
-1: faster compression
-9: better compression
-v: Detailed operation/print version information
-q: run quietly
-c: add a line of comments
-z: Add zip file comments
-@: Read names from standard input
-o: Make the zip file as old as the latest entry
-x: exclude the following names
-i: only include the following names
-F: Repair zip files (-FF works harder)
-D: Do not add directory entries
-A: Adjust self-extracting exe
-D: Do not add directory entries
-T: Test the integrity of the zip file
-X: exclude additional file attributes
-n: Do not compress these suffixes
-e: Encrypt
-y: Store symbolic links as links rather than referenced files
-h2: Show more help



Compress a single file, this will compress the file.txt file into an archive named

zip file.txt

To compress multiple files, the following command will compress file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt into an archive file called

zip file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

Compress the entire directory. The -r parameter of the following command indicates recursive compression. This command will compress the folder directory and all its subdirectories and files.

zip -r folder/

Compress files using the maximum compression ratio. The -9 parameter of the following command specifies the maximum compression ratio, although it may take longer to process.

zip -9 file.txt

Create a password-protected zip file. The -e parameter of the following command will prompt the user to enter a password to create an encrypted zip file.

zip -e file.txt

Only compress new or changed files, if already exists, the -u parameter will update file.txt in the archive or add it to the archive if it is new

zip -u file.txt

Compress the file but do not preserve the directory structure. The -j parameter will not retain the parent directory folder of file.txt. The location of the file in the zip will be in the root directory.

zip -j folder/file.txt

Pack all files and folders in the directory /home/Blinux/html/ into in the current directory:

zip -q -r /home/Blinux/html

The above command operation is to compress files and folders with absolute addresses. The relative path directory for compression is given below. For example, in the Bliux directory, the following operations can be performed to achieve the same effect as above:

zip -q -r html

For example, in my html directory now, the zip compression command I operate is:

zip -q -r *

Compress the contents of the example/basic/ directory into the compressed package. -x specifies the excluded directory. Note that it will not work without double quotes.

zip -r example/basic/ -x "example/basic/node_modules/*" -x "example/basic/build/*" -x "example/basic/coverage/*"

The above is compressed and decompressed, and the content is stored in example/basic/. If you want to store it in the root directory, enter the directory for compression. Currently, no suitable parameters have been found to solve this problem.

cd example/basic/ && zip -r . -x "node_modules/*" -x "build/*" -x "coverage/*"

Compression efficiency selection:

zip -9 # 1-9 faster->better

Create a public_html directory and ignore all files and folders, excluding any files including the text backup.

$ zip -r public_html -x *backup*

The httpdocs directory ignores .svn files or git files and creates an archive of all files under the directory.

$ zip -r httpdocs --exclude *.svn* --exclude *.git*

All files in the httpdocs directory are ignored and an archive of all files in the directory ending with .log is created.

$ zip -r httpdocs --exclude "*.log"

problem solved

The command cannot be found in CentOS7

-Bash: Unzip: Command Not Found


yum install -y unzip zip